Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Hello everyone! All my plans for cleaning etc went out the window this morning. It seems I slept on my left shoulder all night long. This by itself would leave me sore - however, to top it off, around 3:30 something startled me awake, causing me to jerk my head to the right and pulling every muscle on the left side of neck in the process.

Do you know how many muscles it takes to lift your head when you're getting out of bed? It's amazing! Took me at least 10 minutes this morning to figure out how to get out of bed without hurting anymore than I already was. Finally ended using my hand to support my neck as I moved. I tried heat - NOT the answer. Finally ended up trying ice and that has helped a lot. I can stand up and move around. Yippee.

I did get some stuff accomplished today - like updating photos in both my photo blog and my dog stories blog - you'll have to check them out and let me know what you think. Now I think it's time to go lay down with the ice pack, and maybe a Flexeril. Geez this hurts - only I could manage to hurt myself while ASLEEP! Grrrr...


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