Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I'm home

after a memorable trip home. If only it was memorable in a better way! LOL

I enjoyed seeing everyone again, but my body was conspiring against me. Looking back I wonder if I was trying to come down with this cold before I left, but once I got there I had a sinus headache on Friday and discovered my new med did not like the Bushwhacker I tried to have with dinner. Never mind that NOWHERE in the drug literature did it have an alcohol warning - within 2-3 oz of my drink it felt like my face was on FIRE. Horrible feeling. It finally eased up and went away, but no more alcohol for me. :( Very disappointing as I'm such a lush - it was my biannual drink. LOL New Year's and my birthday. I may occasionally have something else, but that's awfully rare. I did greatly enjoy my meal at McGuire's Irish Pub as well as my brother and sister-in-law's company. Just wish I had been feeling better. I was very disappointed as I'd been looking forward to that trip all week, and hate that my body crapped out on me.

Saturday was a lot of fun - I had a lot of aches and pains, but it was nice to be around everyone and watch all the kids playing. Obviously the hula hoops I bought on the spur of the moment were a good investment. :D Mum made an awesome meal, and I think everyone got plenty to eat. I can't wait to get the pictures developed!

Sunday was pretty much a bust. I woke up feeling pretty good, went to do some shopping and 2 hours later could barely move I was hurting so bad. I had bought some stuff and wanted to get it gift wrapped, but couldn't face walking to the back of the store. I told the cashier, and bless her, she took it back and got it wrapped for me, and brought it back to me. I was SO grateful!

I did finally make it out to drop off some gifts and say hi/bye to various relatives. As long as I didn't move too much and sat down a lot, I was ok. Ridiculous! I sound like I'm freaking 90 years old, not 37.

Drove home yesterday -taking my time.

Saw doc Yates today. He agreed with me not taking any more of the meds, at least for now, and probably not anymore as my kidneys didn't seem to be liking the new drug any more than the rest of me did. The ulcer is still there, though a bit better, so we are now moving into the realm of experimental therapy. I'm considered a 'rescue treatment' patient - where all conventional meds have failed. Grrr. Makes me sound like I should be on Survivor, or the drama story at the end of the Reader's digest.

He's sending me to a surgeon to be evaluated for having steroids injected directly into the ulcer - under anesthesia. This does NOT involve cutting me open at all, but because of the location it's a surgeon's realm. And NO ONE gets near that part of me without anesthesia anymore - lol. My own personal rule. One good thing I just noticed in some reading is that steroid injections have also been used to decrease scar tissue - so I'm gonna discuss that with him at the same time - if we're there anyway, would it be possible to treat the scar tissue/stricture at the same time? Or too many side effects? I don't know much about it, but it would be nice to have it ALL get better at the same time. :D


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