Friday, September 02, 2005

Vignettes from this week

ok, you asked for it (well you didn't, but too bad!) - here's a few vignettes of my last few days.

Wednesday night - after a long and lengthy play/loving session with the dogs (get yer minds out of the gutter you perverts!) I told them, ok - time for bed. They both hopped up onto the bed and started to get comfortable. I, meanwhile got a sudden urge to hit the toilet one last time. 15 minutes later, I come out to the sight of the two of them curled up, snoozing on the bed like two little angels...except one of the jokers went and got my shoe and placed it exactly in MY spot on the bed!

The next evening, when I came home from work, I found my bed exactly as I'd left it, except for the addition of a heart shaped stuffed dog toy sitting upright on my pillow. ROFL

My giggle for yesterday? An absolutely adorable elderly 'hill country' woman who, when asked if she had family waiting for her in her room, said "my little daughter is waiting in my room, but hers not so little anymore...." in the sweetest most sincere voice... I love her for the laugh she gave me that day!

and then there was the consent form we heard about (corrected immediately) that was written for a coronary intubation, instead of intervention. You medical types will enjoy that one...

Our cheap gas jumped to $3.05 - $3.19 today. Some stations are running low, and the broken gas line is causing major concerns as to whether supply will be able to be met. We've managed, through terribly short-sighted management and lack of respect for the powers of nature, to hurt ourselves far worse than any terrorist ever could.

I'll take a laugh anywhere I can get it.

Oh yeah, the guts are starting to behave again -the antibiotics seem to be helping.


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