Tuesday, June 14, 2005

4:30 am and all's well?

Well, I suppose all is well. LOL My sleep schedule is so screwed up this week. I slept from midnight Sunday morning until 7 pm Sunday evening. I got up at 7:30 am, felt like crap and fell asleep on the couch. Woke up at noon, still cruddy, rolled over and slept until 2. Forced myself to get up at 2 pm and empty all the trash cans, in case something in there was setting off my allergies. Took 1 gm of Tylenol - didn't begin to touch my headache. Made a couple of sandwiches which settled the nausea but had my guts rumbling so loudly they could be heard in the next room. Gave up and went back to sleep. Woke up around 7 pm, finally feeling halfway normal - got overwhelmed by the amount of housework that I'm behind in, made something to eat, watched the 4400 and then sat down at the puter to catch up with some friends and write my resume. Forced myself to head to bed at 2:30. Up at 6am for work. Felt good when I got up, but about 6:30 (as I was walking out the door for work) the nausea struck again.

Workload on Monday was ridiculously low so negotiated with boss to leave at noon. Of course at noon, all hell broke loose and I didn't feel comfortable leaving my partner by herself. Not that I was much use to her, you understand, but at least I was capable of answering telephone and sorting paperwork. I FINALLY left at 5 pm, by which point I was having minor dizzy spells, the nausea was in full force, and my head was hurting like an SOB.

Got home, crawled BACK into bed from 6 - 9:15. Woke up, thought about the progression of all this crap and decided that there was a good chance it was all allergy related. I've been using my Flonase, but restarted my Allegra-D and went back to bed about 11. LOL I woke up at 3:30 (am that is)- what a surprise! I've gotten my 7.5 hrs and now I'm wide awake. *sigh*

The good news is - allegra seems to be doing the trick. My nose is running a bit, but finally the headache is gone, and now that the drainage is minimalized, so is the nausea. TG. I hate nausea and headaches together.

Sickness report is now ended. LOL

In other news - I submitted my resume bright and early this morning, only to discover that the nurse manager left on vacation today and won't be back until a week from this Wednesday. grrrrr.

It was in the 90's on Monday and sooooo humid. God, I just can't deal with that anymore - I got shaky just walking to my car after work. ICK. Hopefully the weather will go true to form for eastern TN and the humidity will break soon for a couple of days. I hope so - my grass is badly in need of a good mowing - more than a week overdue. I should've done it Sunday, but... oh well. It's not going anywhere. (except up.)

I had a good long chat with my friend from MI on Saturday and was pleased to hear some spirit back in her voice. She's had a rough couple of years. I also heard from another old friend via email - which was a bit of a surprise. A pleasant surprise, but a surprise.

Not much else going on - I'm trying to decide what to focus my energy on today - I can't get to everything that needs to be done, but I think I'll focus on finishing up the laundry and cleaning furniture. That should keep me busy most of the day. At some point I'm going to have to stop avoiding my kitchen too. *sigh* Where's a house elf when you need one, anyway?!

Hope everyone is having a great day -


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