Monday, September 05, 2005

Sucky sucky day

So, here I am on a gorgeous morning, my last holiday day before back to work and I decide I'm going to go for a bike ride. I load up the bike on the trunk rack, grab my helmet and fanny pack and head over to the RiverWalk to check out the new trail. Once there, I put my sunglasses on, put my regular glasses in their hard case, grab my helmet and head to the trunk to get the bike off the rack. I remember putting helmet on head, to free up my hands to undo the bike. Apparently I set my regular glasses down. Started to get the bike down, and then remembered I hadn't checked the tires. Back to the front seat to grab a tire gauge. Checked em, yup, need air. Back in the car to drive to gas station to inflate tires.

When back from gas station, suddenly I get a sick feeling in stomach - "where are my glasses?" Tear car apart on the inside in the vain hope that somehow I put the case back in the car and didn't see them. Get down in parking lot on hands and knees looking frantically under all cars. Leave word at the concession stand and the park ranger's office to see if they've been turned in. Drive the route to gas station and back 3 times - slowly, in hopes of seeing the shiny aluminum case they were in. Pulled the bag out of the nearby trashcan to see if they had been thrown away. No luck anywhere.

No way I can function with only sunglasses. Went to a local glasses shop who TG run sales every holiday. Had an eye exam (3 years since my last one - ooops!) to find out that my left eye focuses at about 5 inches from my face while my right eye focuses at approx 13 inches. Yup - it's confirmed that I'm blind as a bat...

Then he does a few more exams and drops the ball on me. I have entered the bifocal realm. Since I do so much computer/reading work, instead of bifocals he recommends two pair of glasses. One for reading and one for everything else.
I'm not even 40 yet - and now I'm the proud owner of THREE pair of glasses??? Reading, distance, and sunglasses? $#^%#*%$*$% And I don't even want to talk about the expense other than to say thank God they were having a sale.


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