Monday, January 16, 2006

Still kickin...

Promise, I'm still alive. Got a lot of stuff done around the house this weekend, but very little of the computer stuff I wanted to do. I have pics to scan and things to post, but having a hard time getting back in the habit.

This is probably partly because I don't have a whole lot to talk about. Somehow I don't think most of you would get as big a charge out of my daily accomplishments as I do. The high point of my day was reattaching my soap dish to my shower wall. It was a big thrill for me, but prolly doesn't sound like much to y'all!

Then there's the deep cleaning I gave the front room. (Except for the furniture - I'm still looking for my vac attachment so I can vacuum it) Again, a thrill for me, but pretty damn boring when you think about it. lol

I did a lot of cooking this weekend which is good. I also did a lot of eating - not so good. *sigh* I can't win for losing some days. LOL


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