Crossing over...
To the insurance side of the medical game.
Yes, you heard right - starting Oct 17th, I will be working for *************** as a precertification nurse. I am excited about it - the company has a fantastic reputation as both a provider and as an employer, and the chances for advancement, using skills that I enjoy, as well as their employee benefits were too good to walk away from.
I do regret having to start over yet AGAIN, but I'm hoping this will be the last time. I gave my current employer every chance - when I became unhappy in my position, I tried to work through many of the issues,and to be fair, SOME of them have improved, but not enough, and not soon enough. I also tried to find another position within the company. In eight months I applied for 6 or 7 positions - and never even received a phone call. I felt forced to look outside the company. Had they made any attempts to meet my needs, I never would have looked, and thus would never have been aware of the positions available within ********.
I am getting a little nervous about the transition - but that's normal for me. I commit to change and then I freak for just a little while. LOL
Word spreads like wildfire where I work and several hours after I officially gave notice, one of the physicians that I've worked with for four years, and had problems with off and on for four years, lol, made it a point to wish me well and tell me that he personally was going to miss me. It really startled me - and meant more than anything anyone else said. I could tell that, despite our differences, he truly meant it and it made me tear up. I never would have suspected that HE would be the one to actually 'get' to me. LOL
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