Saturday, July 24, 2004

JULY 24TH, 2004

Happy Birthday to Me,  Happy Birthday to Me,  Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeee, Happy Birthday to Me. 

Gotta say it's been a hell of a year;  quite a roller coaster ride!   As I've frequently been reminded - a birthday beats the alternative, but I sure wish they'd slow down just a little. 

It was a quiet day - I slept in, went to lunch with Carla and Bekah (YUM), then took myself shopping at Big Lots.  I mostly bought groceries and such, but did pick up a few little extras. ( A portable radio/cassette player/recorder and a 1000 piece puzzle.)  It's been quite a while since I've done a puzzle, but this one looked really cheerful, and I'm all for happy/cheerful today. 

I think I need to start saving up for a real vacation.   Something really interesting and different.   Maybe a tourist ranch or something like that, where I can get outside and wander without a schedule but have a nice plush bed and meals prepared for me.   Throw in a hot tub and it sounds absolutely wonderful.  :-)    This is definitely something to think about...

Anyway the birthday is officially over now - time to start the countdown for the next one.



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