Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Latest and greatest news

Hi everyone! I'm tired so here's a quick rundown.

I had 3 skin biopsies done - got the results on Monday - thank you God they were negative. I wasn't ready to go down that road again.

LateMonday night I discovered that my refrigerator was no longer doing it's job, and I had a freezer full of half defrosted meat and melted ice cream and fudgcicles. DAMN.

Tuesday I left work to meet the repairman - turns out the control board is all electronic, and it was fried. $230 later I had a cooling refrigerator full of defrosted meat. Time to start cooking.

Wednesday morning ( today) I met with the surgeon. He DOES want to do another exploratory on me to see what's going on in there. This time there will be a dilation done as well (I think this is probably a good thing, all in all.) If all we do is an exploration and dilation, I could be back to work in a couple of days. If he finds another fistula and does the fistulotomy again - then 2 weeks. I'm tentatively hoping to schedule it for the Friday before Memorial Day. I have a doc appt the Thurs before Memorial day that was scheduled 3 mos in advance and it was the earliest one I could get - I don't want to change that one if I can avoid it, though last time a change only involved a week or two. Hmmmm. I'll have to think on that a bit.


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